Writing for Online Journalism – Task Two

Here is an article that I made up to demonstrate what I have learned so far about the inverted pyramid and online journalism.

Video ‘Double’ Standards Council

The latest in the notorious Grand Theft Auto video game series will be shipped in Europe with the VSC approved age rating of 16.

Publisher Rockstar Games allegedly bullied the rating down from 18 in an appeal to gain more sales by opening up the game to a wider audience.

Reviewer Alex Tawny of IGN said “The game has a shocking amount of violence, swearing and nudity. Even more so than it’s predecessor. I didn’t think they could surpass the interactive torture scene but they did. How is this being released as a 16?”

PEGI and the VSC are responsible for classifying video games in to suitable age groups to protect children from unsuitable content.

We reached out to PEGI and VSC for a statement and they declined to comment.